Join us for the 7th annual Old Wintergreen Day Festival
From 11 AM to 4 PM at Spruce Creek Park.
Join us to enjoy music, old time crafts, costumed craftsmen, living history and a food truck. Children and adults have the opportunity to explore, have fun and learn about the rich history and culture of Nelson County. Entry is free!
The festival is located right off Rt 151 on Glenthorne Loop just south of Nellysford at 1368 Rockfish Valley Highway. Signs will direct to parking!
GFeatured activities include:
- Wintergreen village culture and history presentations about settlements, families, crafts and growth featuring Elizabeth Richardson, Gene Hughes and Peter Agelasto
- Learn about wildlife with the Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary at the Children’s Nature Walk Trail
- Learn about history with Wayne Drumheller, author of 5 books about Old Winter Green and Vintage Fine Art Photographs from the 1960s and with the Nelson Historical Society
- Local craft people displaying basket weaving, historical maps, rug making, floor cloths, chair caning, cooking on an open fire, apple butter, soapstone carving and quilting
- Artifacts and a history presentation of agriculture equipment and building materials from the old Winter Green House
- Raffle for an antique fire truck for one hour ride for 10 people
- Raffle for a glider ride for 1 person over the Rockfish Valley
- Raffle for an Animal Paw Print floor cloth rug by Kay Campbell
- Music by Ken Janson
- An exhibition and sale of Plein Air paintings of Rockfish Valley landscapes in the Natural History Museum
- Food Truck with Vittles Van
- Visit the Natural History Center to see bear, bobcat, fox, pelts and more for kids to touch and learn about.
- Virginia Master Naturalists from the Central Blue Ridge Chapter will feature knowledgeable Citizen Scientists to answer your questions on combating invasive plants, the importance of planting natives, and how to improve wildlife habitat on your property. Master Naturalist volunteers will offer fun activities and handouts for anyone who is curious about nature.
- The Monacan Indian Nation will be displaying crafts and history of the Monacan Indians from their museum.
- Wintergreen Fire and Rescue will also be on hand to share the critical work they do for our community.
- The Executive Director of Wintergreen Resort, Jay Gamble, will have a table and provide conversation and Q&A as relates to the resort.
For more information call and leave a message at (434) 361-0271
Rockfish Valley Foundation is a public foundation recognized under Internal Revenue Code section 501c3 and as such is permitted to receive donations. Follow this link to learn options to donate: Options to Donate
Raffle Details

Old Wintergreen Day 2023 Raffle for Free Glider Flight!
The Shenandoah Valley Soaring Club (SVS for short) has donated a free 3-month Introductory Membership which includes a glider flight for one person! The Introductory Membership is valued at $150.00! The clubs’ purpose is the promotion of flying in its purest form – the art of Soaring. They fly on weekends, year-round… weather cooperating.
The introductory membership lasts for 3 months from the date of your demonstration flight. After that, you may schedule instructional flights with one of our certified flight instructors. This also includes a temporary membership with the Soaring Society of America (SSA) and they will send you an issue of Soaring Magazine.

Old Wintergreen Day 2023 Raffle for an Antique Firetruck Ride!
Antique Fire Truck Rides LLC has donated a one-hour ride for up to 10 people on an antique fire truck! This fully restored antique fire truck offers a unique and exhilarating experience while taking a tour of the area. Owned and operated by local resident Tom Oakley, you and your guests will have smiles all around! The truck is equipped with custom designed seats and seatbelts. Purchase your raffle tickets for a once in a lifetime experience!

Kay Campbell Floor Cloths
Tickets on sale now for $5.00. The raffle will be open through Sunday, November 26th.
Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary

Old Wintergreen Day is excited to welcome the Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary to setup a table on the Children’s Nature Trail in Spruce Creek Park! Bring the children and take a stroll to learn about wildlife in our area. You will have the opportunity to see up close an opossum and a box turtle!
The Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving our environment through wildlife rehabilitation and raising awareness in our community about the importance of our native species.
Based at their state-of-the-art facility in Nelson County, their devoted team of wildlife rehabilitators and volunteers rescue and care for more than 800 animals annually from across Virginia. They also provide free educational programming for local community groups so folks from all walks of life can learn about the importance of our wild neighbors.
This combination of animal care and education constitutes their commitment to a vibrant and compassionate future for wildlife in Nelson County, Virginia and beyond.
For more information go to:
5450 Wheelers Cove Rd, Shipman, VA 22971