RFV: Chairman’s Report February 2007

THE ROCKFISH VALLEY FOUNDATION Minutes of Annual Board Meeting – February 10, 2007 Download the 2007 Chariman’s Report The meeting of The Rockfish Valley Foundation (RVF) Board of Trustees was called to order by the chairman Peter Agelasto at 2:30 p.m,...

LILLY when she arrived

The star attraction LILLY was born May 11, 2005. She arrived at the Rockfish Vally in June 2005. She is the mascott of the Rockfish Valley Foundation. She has spend the winter at her barn on the East side of the highway at Rockfish Valley Farm with her Friends Bambi...

RFV: Chairman’s Report June 2006

The Chairman noted that over the course of the last year, with Chris Gensic as a consultant, the Foundation has refined its mission statement, created a website: rockfishvalley.org, opened the trail system and undertaken much work to improve the experience of the...

RFV: Chairman’s Report – Fall 2006

This report is my second and is in lieu of our September meeting. It is time we consider an annual meeting. More about that later. I am pleased to report that a number of our initiatives are moving right along. The VDOT work along the Rockfish is winding down. Their...

RFV: Chairman Report December 2006 – Year End Newsletter

Well there is plenty of good news and our mission could be greatly advanced in the new year. As you know, we exist to advance environmental values and enhance the rural life in Nelson. The Rockfish Valley Loop Trail system has prospered in the year it has been open;...