Hurricane Camille and its impact described and illustrated

Hurricane Camille and its impact described and illustrated Please imagine that the slide scars represent the headwaters of the S. Fork of the Rockfish River up near Wintergreen Mountain Village above elevation 3500. The torrential rains loosened the soil, the shrubs...


CALLING ALL SHUTTERBUGS!! Scenic Virginia Viewshed Photo Competition Scenic Virginia wants your beautiful photos of the Commonwealth’s breathtaking vistas for our 2008 Viewshed Photo Competition. The competition is open to all. We are seeking viewshed photos in...

NEWS Trail Walk – Invasive Plants – Monday 6/16/2008

Bryan Wender from VA Dept of Conservation and Recreation will lead a walk along the Rockfish River Monday June 16, 2008. Those interested should meet at 10:00 AM Monday at the Rockfish River/Rt 151 Trail Head – wear comfortable walking shoes. The walk will...

RFV: Chairman’s Report Summer 2007

The work of the foundation has created a lot of paper and we are appreciative of the internship of Heather Gibb in late spring for getting so much organized, data bases created and publicity rolling for our major events. July Event: The Rockfish Valley geology event...

RVF Stewardship

STEWARDSHIP We at Rockfish Valley Foundation participate in a number of programs that preserve and protect land resources. What follows is a listing of our commitments and links to sites where you may learn more about such opportunities. We invite you to visit and see...