The Rockfish Valley is a special place in Nelson County. It extends from Afton to Brents Gap between the Blue Ridge Mountains on which runs the Blue Ridge Parkway and The Appalachian Trail (AT) and the Raged Mountains at the Eastern end of which lies Monticello. The Blue Ridge are part of the Appalachian chain which continues north to Maine and South to Georgia. The AT itself is over 2000 miles long. The Ragged mountains extend from Carter’s Mountain and Monticello to Horseshoe Mountain in the South Rockfish Valley. Horseshoe Mountain connects Three Ridge Mountain in the Blue Ridge chain to the Ragged Mountain line. There is only one highway running from north to south, from Rt 250 in Albemarle County to Rt 29 in Amherst County. That Rockfish Valley is about 15 miles long and the scenery is as spectacular as any in Virginia.